Working Sounds of a RailRoad - Sound Yard

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SANJO RailRoad Sound Yard.

Just like any real working railroad that has a rail yard, my site has a sound yard. From this page you will be able to open smaller windows that contain sounds associated with real working railroads, and some sounds of S-gauge railroading.

By clicking onto one of the below images, you will open a small browser window that has multiple sound files attached to it. If you want to hear Steam Engine train sounds then click onto the Steam Engine Train image and it will open the new window. The Conductor, Smaller Steam Engine (S-gauge), Trolley and Desiel/Frieght Train images will provide you with corresponding sound pages as well.

Note:   Under every image is a short description of the sounds that will be available to play. No "special" media player is required to play any of these sounds.

Train Conductor
Train Conductor and General Train Station Announcements
Steam Engine
Working Steam Train Engine Sounds
S-gauge RailRoading Sounds
S-gauge RailRoading Sounds
Trolley and Light Rail Sounds
Trolley and Light Rail Sounds
Diesel Engine Freight Sounds
Working Diesel Engine and Freight Sounds

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